In our short film, we have made sure that Daisy's face is only revealed at the end, in order to encode to the audience that something isn't quite right and to help build climax. Because of this, it is even more important for the clothing of the character as it helps the audience to decode more about her personality. We dressed Daisy, in a short denim skirt with black tights, and a collared white top, as at the beginning she is seen as young, happy and in many ways a stereo typical teenager who wears the latest fashion.
However ;she is an example of strength and courage which is beyond her years, because she has decided to channel her illness in a positive and as possible normal life while maintaining her scrapbook.The audience do not find out that Daisy is ill until the end, and by doing this we inject a huge pathos into the film.
PLANNING: character and props: add list / description? Look on this as an analysis of representation.