Thursday 7 January 2016


Film poster tagline

Today, I decided what the tagline of my film poster would be. After much research of other film posters, I realised just how important it was for the advertisement of the film. Taglines (often called slogans) are catchy, enticing short phrases used by marketers and film studios to advertise and sell a movie, and to sum up the plot, tone or themes of a film. Many films have multiple tag lines, though short films usually only have one. 

I began by looking at previous successful tag lines of films of the Filmsite website. 

Often the tagline is original and witty, and entice you to watch the film itself, after giving you a brief summary of whats to come. When it came to deciding my tagline, I wanted it to relate to the title, ideally underpinning the main work "dreaming".

I have finally decided that my tagline will be-
"Today is a perfect day to start living your dream"

I believe this is catchy, original and relates with the overall narrative of the film and title.

1 comment:

  1. It's not 'catchy' in the sense of 'short' but it does sum up the narrative and the mood of your short film.
